Motivation, Community, Exercise
Exercise is one of the four pillars of the ReGen program and you are probably aware that you are not doing enough!
Now we offer you the opportunity to work , talk and exercise with us every week directly from your home.
ReGen @ home is much more than exercise, it’s about community, asking advice from therapists, ask questions, talk and see other people. It’s not a youtube video!
Live from our new studio with cutting-edge technology, including 4 Full HD cameras.
We offer a wide range of individual or group sessions of 50 minutes held by specialists with years of experience and international qualifications.

Regen@home Motivation, Community, Exercise
Exercise is one of the four pillars of the ReGen program and you are probably aware that you are not doing enough!
Now we offer you the opportunity to work , talk and exercise with us every week directly from your home.
ReGen @ home is much more than exercise, it’s about community, asking advice from therapists, ask questions, talk and see other people. It’s not a youtube video!
Live from our new studio with cutting-edge technology, including 4 Full HD cameras.
We offer a wide range of individual or group sessions of 50 minutes held by specialists with years of experience and international qualifications.
How does it work?
Tutte le nostre Terapie sono disponibili in due pacchetti che
determinano la periodicità dei tuoi incontri
How does it work?
Tutte le nostre Terapie sono disponibili in due pacchetti che
determinano la periodicità dei tuoi incontri

Lezioni individuali
Continua il tuo percorso personalizzato anche a distanza.
Non solo semplici registrazioni o video corsi,
ma lezioni interattive individuali con i nostri specialisti.

Lezioni individuali
Continua il tuo percorso personalizzato anche a distanza.
Non solo semplici registrazioni o video corsi,
ma lezioni interattive individuali con i nostri specialisti.
ReGen Therapy
Continue the Regen journey at home with your therapist.
You will be able to focus your work on what you need most to continue improving at home too.
4 sessions (34,00 € each): € 136,00
8 sessions (30,00 € each): € 240,00
12 sessions (28,00 € each): € 336,00
Mental gymnastics
Individual online mental gym sessions with our psychologist. After an initial evaluation, weekly sessions will be scheduled to keep the mind and memory trained..
1 session: € 50,00
5 sessions (45,00 € each): € 225,00
10 sessions (40,00 € each): € 400,00
Psychological session
Individual sessions together with our psychologist to continue the path started together in Boario Terme.
1 session: € 60,00
Speech Therapy
Individual sessions with our speech therapist to continue working on the tone of voice and combat swallowing problems.
1 session: € 65,00
2 sessions (60,00 € each): € 120,00
Prosegui il percorso Regen anche a casa insieme al tuo terapista.
Potrai focalizzare il lavoro su ciò di cui hai più bisogno per continuare a migliorare anche a casa.
5 sessions: € 150,00
10 sessions: € 280,00
20 sessions: € 500,00
Timing would be agreed with your therapist.
GROUP therapy
Connect with a group, Social, High definition, highly regarded Parkison specific program which
includes America’s leading Neurological Fisiotherapy an Aerobic program (PWR! moves) with a Trained therapist.
12 lessons (10 Euros each): € 120
24 lessons (9 Euros each): € 216
36 lessons (8 Euros each): € 288
Timing (Note thess are CET times so London and Lisbon should take off one hour).
Basic: Thursday 17,:00
Intermediate: Thursday 17,00
Advanced: Thursday 8,30

Lezioni di gruppo
Classi di terapia Regen divise per fasce di difficoltà. Il corso “Base” prevede esercizi da seduto, per l’equilibrio senza eccessivi sforzi fisici. La classe “Avanzata” è consigliata per persone attive e in forma. Il nuovo corso “Intermedio” è una via di mezzo tra i due corsi, un mix di esercizi sia a media/alta intensità sia di equilibrio e rilassamento.

Lezioni di gruppo
Classi di terapia Regen divise per fasce di difficoltà. Il corso “Base” prevede esercizi da seduto, per l’equilibrio senza eccessivi sforzi fisici. La classe “Avanzata” è consigliata per persone attive e in forma. Il nuovo corso “Intermedio” è una via di mezzo tra i due corsi, un mix di esercizi sia a media/alta intensità sia di equilibrio e rilassamento.
Cognitive decline is common. These sessions based on Internationally recognized techniques will help maintain cognative activity and ability.
Individual Group
1 session: 60 €
5 sessions (25 Euro): 125 €
10 sessions (22 Euro): 220 €
Timing would be agreed with your therapist
Timing: Thursday 9:00 CET
This open and free session is held and hosted Hosted by The Centres Director and founder along with many special guests. A chance to ask about new treatments, ask about situations and be part of a caring group.
First Tuesday of every month at 20:00 CET
Bring 5 more people to ReGen@Home
and Your Therapy will be FREE!
A hub is anybody or any organisation who want to run a course ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and can reach yhe minimun number above. We will then offer FREE one place more and we can adapt to your needs (only offered in English and Italian and excludes @Move on individual).
Bring 5 more people to ReGen@Home
and Your Therapy will be FREE!
A hub is anybody or any organisation who want to run a course ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD and can reach yhe minimun number above. We will then offer FREE one place more and we can adapt to your needs (only offered in English and Italian and excludes @Move on individual).
Contact us and
together we will choose
the right therapy for you!
Or call us on 0364 1946205 (Monday to Friday 8,30-12,30)
Or e.mail corsi@terapiaparkinson.it
indicating package